Yabby You - Beyond The Hills
Beyond the valley lies the sea,
Beyond the sea there's my baby,
Who patiently waits for me.
Now where I be on my journey?
Who says the sea wide and deep.
Then I will be with my baby,
Who patiently waits for me.
Oh, my love, you are so far away,
Yet my heart aches for you.
Don't know what I am going to do,
Until I am with you.
Now where I be on my journey?
Who says the sea wide and deep.
Then I will be with my baby,
Who patiently waits for me.
Oh, my love, you are so far away,
Yet my heart aches for you.
Don't know what I am going to do,
Until I am with you.
Beyond the hills lies the valley,
Beyond the valley lies the sea,
Beyond the sea there's my baby,
Who patiently waits for me.
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