Versatile - Get Gyal Everyday
Man a gyallis from me born
Aah, aah, aah, aah
Aah, aah, aah, aah
Man a gyallis from me born an' a so man stay
Real gangster, we no go wrong way
Any gyal come inna me part, dem a come an' stay
From me small a go put on play
Mountain View
Me get gyal every day
Me get gyal every day
Gyallis like we get gyal easy, we nah fi pay
We gyallis team buck all the way
We get gyal every day
We get gyal every day
Yard or 'broad, from we see gyal we nah delay
Gyal fly in an' a bawl fi stay
[Verse 1]
Hey, Boogie, when you talk 'bout Jamaica we govern parts
'Cause everyweh we go gyal a stuck on fast
We mek gyal weh have stubborn heart
Fall in love with just one talk
Dem waan the govern Saussure
The gyal dem say dem love the slim boss
Cah dem know me nah fi drink slim fast
Gyal see we a walk an' a grab 'pon me brethren shorts
An' a say please do no mek him pass
We get gyal every day
We get gyal every day
Gyallis like we get gyal easy, we nah fi pay
We gyallis team buck all the way
We get gyal every day
We get gyal every day
Yard or 'broad, from we see gyal we nah delay
Gyal fly in an' a bawl fi stay
[Verse 2]
Hey, Tyrone
Some bwoy only get gyal number
We jook gyal an' mek gyal puncher
We nah fi go far fi gyal
We just mek gyal come fah
We hide an' mek gyal hunt fah
Gyal a travel far, gyal a walk, gyal a drag, gyal a run fah
Just fi get my number
Gyal waan role inna me bed like thunder
An' a no no since me get my Honda
We get gyal every day
Me get gyal every day
Gyallis like we get gyal easy, we nah fi pay
We gyallis team buck all the way
We get gyal every day
We get gyal every day
Yard or 'broad, from we see gyal we nah delay
Gyal fly in an' a bawl fi stay
Man a gyallis from me born an' a so man stay
Real gangster, we no go wrong way
Any gyal come inna me part, dem a come an' stay
From me small a go put on play
Mountain View
We get gyal every day
We get gyal every day
Gyallis like we get gyal easy, we nah fi pay
We gyallis team buck all the way
We get gyal every day
We get gyal every day
Yard or 'broad, from we see gyal we nah delay
Gyal fly in an' a bawl fi stay
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