Toots & Maytals - Having A Party

Talk about a party, party.
Everybody sing party, party.
Everybody come party, party.
Everyone of you party, party.

I reach the plane,
And I go to Connecticut,
Hear the people talking,
They want me to do my reggae stuff.
Go to Boston,
And they acting the same way too.
All of Philadelphia,
They want me to do my thing.

In that party, party.
Everybody just party, party.
Singing 'bout party, party.
Everyone come party, party.

Don't want to be a liar,
I want to tell the truth.
To each and everyone,
I want to do my reggae stuff.
I am from Jamaica,
I want to do my Jamaican stuff,
Everywhere I go,
I feel I'll keep on doing.

Talk about a party, party.
Everybody sing party, party.
Everybody come party, party.
Everyone of you party, party.
Somebody come and help me, now!

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