Stranger Cole - Red Green & Gold
Moving too fast can be a sudden drop
Make sure your hands and heart are clean
To rally with Jah red, gold and green
No matter what you say, or what you do
You'll never be right, if you do the wrong
Be sure your hands and heart are clean
To rally with Jah red, gold and green
Make up your mind to do the right
And then your days will be sunny and bright, yeah
Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon
Bow down on his knee, the crisis of the land
Make sure your hands and heart are clean
To rally with Jah red, gold and green
Make up your mind to do the right
And then your days will be sunny and bright, yeah
Wooo-ooh! Yeah
Make up your mind to do the right thing
Make up your mind to do the right thing, yeah
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