Stick Figure - Running Wild

Travelling away to a distant land
There's nobody here that I can understand
Got my wallet in my pocket but my money is no good
You're looking at a man who's misunderstood
Waiting for the train, I smoke another cigarette
Listening for the sound, I can hear it right in front of me
My feet are cold there's a hole in my shoe
What in the world have I got myself into?

Thought I could travel the world with no confusion
Though I, found this thought to be just an illusion

These days I feel just like a child
These days I feel like running wild
On my way to the place I never know
What will you say when I return home

Yo viajo Argentina, Tokyo, and Thailand
Yo bebo un cervesa con my loco friends
I found some mierda en el aqua put me out for a week
El approximo dia yo estube sick
Cuatro dias en mi cama es where I lay
My ass was rainier than the month of May
Frio y casado, yo no estoy felix
Sittin' on the can I can barely breath

Thought I could drink the water from the mountain stream
Though I, was shitting my brains out for a week


These days I feel just like a child
These days I feel like running wild
On my way, to the place I never know
What will you say when I return home

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