Stick Figure - Hawaii Song
I want to get away from this place
Home is not where I want to be
Not today, take me away
I am on my way, twelve hours on a plane
In a short time I'll be on my away
Lone, all alone
I flew out by myself to meet my friends
From there, we got into a van
There was reggae on the radio
You have no idea, oh-oh
You have no idea, oh-oh
This is life, oh..
Land-man know, he's there
He knows, he's there
Long, so long
I've been out on the road
It's not for me
And all, all I want to do is leave
But not today, take me away
Well I am on my way
To an island on the sea
I will escape and Lord I be will free
Free, so free from this place, from this place
I love this world and all it can do for me
I love this world and all it can do for me
But I know, he's there
But I know, he's there
This is life, whoa oh
This is life, yeah-eh
Land-man knows, he's there
Lord I know, he's there
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