Steel Pulse - State Of Emergency
State of emergency!
State of emergency!
State of emergency!
Ready - Aim - Fire
From Brixton to Cape Town,
Unrest all around.
From Handsworth to Uitenhage,
Lawlessness on the rampage.
Sticks and stones they're throwing,
Set ablaze the buildings.
Youthful minds are stirring,
Time to make a change.
Who they think they're fooling?
No want no diverse doctrines.
Forever, we will strive,
Fighting against apartheid.
State of emergency.
State of emergency,
Never seen such urgency.
State of emergency.
State of emergency,
Never seen such urgency.
Forever, we will strive.
I never seen a thing like this before.
How long can this go on?
A riding, riding, ride the storm.
Me tired, me tired,
Of being a stepping stone.
To hell with words and give me action.
Sticks and stones they're throwing,
Set ablaze the buildings.
Youthful minds are stirring,
Time to make a change.
Who they think they're fooling?
No want no diverse doctrines.
Forever, we will strive,
Fighting against apartheid.
State of emergency.
Did you hear that? Hey!
State of emergency,
Never seen such urgency.
State of emergency.
Did you hear that? Hey!
State of emergency,
Never seen such urgency.
State of emergency.
State of emergency,
Never seen such urgency.
State of emergency.
Ring, ring, gunshot ring.
State of emergency,
Never seen such urgency.
Forever, we will strive.
The whole wide world is burning.
Forever, we will strive.
Rring, rring gun shot ring.
From Brixton to Cape Town,
Unrest all around.
From Handsworth to Durban,
No satisfaction.
We will strive for freedom, now.
We will strive for freedom, now.
We will strive for freedom, now.
We will strive for freedom, now.
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and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
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