Ron Wiseman - Running Dry

Too late, the tide is turning
Look all around
The river is running dry

And what will we do
If there's no water
What will we do, what'll we do
If there's no water, uh huh

Look up
I heard a robin sigh
Look at the world
Iron chains across the sky

And what will we do?
If there's no freedom
What'll we do, what'll we do
If there's no water, uh huh

And there will come a time
When there will be no more crying
But now we stand between the tides
And there's no water


And there will come a time
When there'll be no more crying
But now we stand between the tides
And there's no water, uh huh

The river is running dry
And it's too late, baby
It's too late now, now, now

The river is running dry
And it's too late, baby
It's too late, too late now

The river is running dry
I said the river is running dry
The river is running dry
And it's too late, too late..

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