Rita Marley - Who Can Be Against Us

If Jah Jah be for us
Who can be against us
If Jah Jah he for us
Who can be against us
If Jah Jah be for us
Who can be against us
Who tell me who tell me who
Who can be against us against us

Guns can't stop us now
Jah Jah is our leader
No bombs can stop us now
Jah Jah is our leader
No weapons can stop us now
Jah Jah is our leader our leader

If Jah Jah be for us
Who can be against us
If Jah Jah be for us
Who can be against us
If Jah Jah be for us
Who can be against us
Who tell me who tell me who
Who can be against us against us

We cannot lose this war
Fightin for the Lion
Now we have come this far
On our way to Zion
We cannot lose this war
Fighting for Jah Lion Jah Lion

If Jah Jah be for us
Who can be against us
If jah Jah be for us
Who can be against us
If Jah Jah be for us
Who can be against us
Who tell me who tell me who
Who can be against us against us

Our homeland must be free
Jah Jah is our keeper
Jah Jah is our keeper
Our keeper

Rita Marley lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
Jah Lyrics exists solely for the purpose of archiving all reggae lyrics and makes no profit from this website.