Prince Far I - Blackman Land

This lyric contains biblical references. Click here to show the references.

Man oh man
I wanted to give you your basical pretential towards Rastafari
Mount Zion is I and I home
Well, watch ya, man!

Now stretched forth her hands
Psalm 68:31

A black man land

By the rivers of Babylon, I and I sat down
And there I wept tears from my eye
When I remember Mount Zion-I
Psalm 137:1

Wicked has taken us away, captivity
And quiet from us a song into a strange land
How can I and I sing King Alpha's song into a strange land?
Psalm 137:3

There is no peace, there war
Man, I want to give you your basical pretential towards Rastafari

Lord is I and I shepherd
I and I shall get immediate I to lay down in green earth
Psalm 23:1-2

He leadeth I in the path of righteousness for his namesake
Psalm 23:3

Meek do I walk in the valley of the shadow of death
I and I will fear no foe
Psalm 23:4

Well watch ya, man

Forget your pride
Give Jah Jah the praise

Wicked guy speak words smooth as butter
But yet war was in his heart and that a bad tar
I and I fe live in love and unity
Discipline is a principal thing
Therefore get discipline
And etiquette shall be added unto thee
Matthew 6:33; Luke 12:31

By the rivers of Babylon I and I sat down
And wept tears from my eye when I remembered Mount Zion-I
Zion-I, for I and I, y'know?

Wicked man have take us away, captivity
And quiet from us a song into a strange, strange land
But how can I and I sing King Alpha's song into a strange land?


Mount Zion is an holy place
No wicked man cannot enter there
No wicked, no wicked man, no no no
No wicked man cannot enter Mount Zion-I, yeah
1 Corinthians 6:9-10


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