Peter Broggs - No Ism Pon De Riddim
Chant 'pon de reggae riddim, oh no
'Pon de reggae riddim
Natty don't want to hear, no folly-ism
Chant 'pon de reggae riddim, oh no
'Pon de reggae riddim
A consciousness I a deal wit
To praise Jah is the truth
A logical sound, Iya black in case you never know
Natty don't want to hear, no folly-ism
Chant 'pon de reggae riddim, oh no
'Pon de reggae riddim
Natty don't want to hear, no folly-ism
Chant 'pon de reggae riddim, oh no
'Pon de reggae riddim
We want lyrics, oh yes
For the people to see the light
We want a message in the song
For the brothers to all unite
Inna Jah Jah sight, inna Rasta sight
Natty don't want to hear, no folly-ism
Chant 'pon de reggae riddim, oh no
'Pon de reggae riddim
Natty don't want to hear, no folly-ism
Chant 'pon de reggae riddim, oh no
'Pon de reggae riddim
We want lyrics, oh yes
For the people to see the light
We want a message in the song
For the brothers to all unite
Inna Jah Jah sight, inna Rasta sight
Natty don't want to hear, no folly-ism
Chant 'pon de reggae riddim, oh no
'Pon de reggae riddim
Natty don't want to hear, no folly-ism
Chant 'pon de reggae riddim
Peter Broggs lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s)
and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
Jah Lyrics exists solely for the purpose of archiving all reggae lyrics and
makes no profit from this website.