Peter Broggs - Jah Jah Voice Is Calling

I heard Jah Jah voice is calling
Calling all His children
Sayin' Mount Zion gates are open
You'd better get ready to walk right in, to walk right in

We're gonna sing and we're gonna shout
We're gonna give Jah Jah the I-ses
We're gonna sing and we're gonna shout
We're gonna give Jah Jah the I-ses
Inna Mount Zion.. inna Mount Zion

We're gonna sing redemption songs
We're gonna sing it all day long
We're gonna walk with His Majesty
We're gonna tell him his true, true story
Obout the power and the glory
Inna Mount Zion.. inna Mount Zion

I heard Jah Jah voice is calling
Calling all His children
Sayin' Mount Zion gates are open
You'd better get ready to walk right in, to walk right in


We're gonna sing redemption songs
We're gonna sing it all day long
We're gonna walk with His Majesty
We're gonna tell him his true, true story
Obout the power and the glory
Inna Mount Zion.. inna Mount Zion

I heard Jah Jah voice is calling
Calling all His children
Sayin' Mount Zion gates are open
You'd better get ready to walk right in, to walk right in

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