Peter Broggs - In This Time Of Judgement
We all got to see the light
And know the truths and rights
In this time of Judgement
We all got to unite
And stop the fuss and fights
Remember what Marcus Garvey say
Man nah go themselves
Until their back is against the wall
And that is the time when they gonna fall
Who know Jah, know Him already
Who no know Him, better know Him now
Who know Jah, know Him already
Rastaman, hang on steady
In this time of Judgement
We all got to see the light
And know the truths and rights
In this time of Judgement
We all got to unite
And stop the fuss and fights
Remember what Marcus Garvey say
Man nah go themselves
Until their back is against the wall
And that is the time when they gonna fall
Who know Jah, know Him already
Who no know Him, better know Him now
Who know Jah, know Him already
Rastaman, hang on steady
Inna this a time of Judgement
We all got to see the light
And know the truths and rights
Inna this a time of Judgement
We all got to unite
And stop the fuss and fight
Inna this a time of Judgement
We all got to know, got to know ourself
Inna this a time of Judgement
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