Patrice - Sunshine
Life's heavy labours calling
I make myself, light as light
I think of things, as they come to me
Without warning
A train of thoughts passing through on the tracks
We be cruising
It's in our music
That's where the truth is
'Cause we have done that
'Cause we haven't been there
I wanna go there
'Cause we will run that
I wanna go for real
See the sun shine in winter time
See snow falling in summer time
It's all crazy like our minds
All this anger makes us blind
For all these poisons that are mine
I know I cannot rewind
As I struggle to be more kind
As the train lies and I mess around
I'm so young but not without a sound
Been seen double, keeping me down
I fiddle with a thought
But not without a sound
We be cruising
It's in our music
That's where the truth is
'Cause we have done that
'Cause we haven't been there
I wanna go there
'Cause we will run that
I wanna go for real
I wanna feel it
I wanna be there
I want you to feel it
The way that I feel it
Don't you conceal it
Come on reveal it
You better kiss me
You better love yourself
My body and your body
Can fuse into one
Shadow on the wall
Your body and my body
Produce somebody, a sound body.
Just look what we
Conjured out of nowhere
Like the notes that thrill the air
We be cruising
It's in our music
That's where the truth is
'Cause we have done that
'Cause we haven't been there
I wanna go there
'Cause we will run that
I wanna go for real
I wanna feel it
I wanna be there
I want you to feel it
The way that I feel it
Don't you conceal it
Come on reveal it
You better kiss me
You better love yourself
You better love yourself..
For real.. for real..
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