Max Romeo - Destination Africa
All I have is meditation to lead me through this land
But I'm happy to know my destination
I was from creation, that's where I'm headed for
It's been a long time, finding where we thought we gone
Knowing who I really am and how I can
Help this human race, to find a resting place
A place where there is now, no more hatred
Parties are going on, but I get no invitation
All I have is meditation to lead me through this land
But I'm happy to know my destination
I was from creation, that's where I'm headed for
It's been a long time, finding where we thought we gone
Knowing who I really am and how I can
help this human race, to find a resting place
A place where there is now, no more hatred
Parties are going on, but I get no invitation
All I have is meditation to lead me through this land
But I'm happy to know my destination
I was from creation, that's where I'm headed for
Africa, Africa, Africa, woooa, ohh
It's been a long time, ooh
Africa, Africa, Africa..
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