Lucky Dube - Soldiers Of Righteousness

Teacher, teacher, teacher
Ever since we came to town
You don't look a happy man
Is our mission, a threat to yours?
Is our mission, a threat to yours?

In case you don't know who we are
I'm gonna tell you who we are
We are the men your father warned you about
We are the men your mother
Told you to stay away from

We are the soldiers for righteousness
We are the soldiers for righteousness
We are the soldiers for righteousness
Soldiers for righteousness

We fight against (tribalism)
We fight against (oppression)
We fight against (corruption)
We fight against (racism)
We fight against (apartheid) apartheid
We are the men your mother
Warned you about, little boy
We are those men your oppressive father
Told you about

We are the soldiers for righteousness
Soldiers for righteousness
We are the soldiers for righteousness


And we are not sent here
By the politicians you drink with
And we are not sent here
By the politicians you drink with
We're sent by the poor (poor)
We're sent by the suffering (suffering)
We're sent by the oppressed

I wanna tell you one more time who we are
We are the men your mother warned you about
We are those men your oppressive father
Told you to stay away from

Soldiers for righteousness
Soldiers for righteousness
Soldiers for righteousness

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