Love Joys - Wherever Jah Send Me

I will go wherever Jah send me (wherever Jah send me)
Where there is peace and harmony to surround me
I found my pot of gold
At the end of my rainbow (end of my rainbow)
Where you can be what you wanna be, yes you can be free

We can live in love, my brothers and my sisters
Learn to live as one, yeah
Praising Jah Jah

Spreading His love to all the people (to all the people)
All of the universe together, forever (together forever)
You'll find your pot of gold
At the end of your rainbow (end of your rainbow)
Where you can be what you wanna be, yes you can be free


I will go wherever Jah send me (Ever Jah send me)
Where there is peace and harmony to surround me
I found my pot of gold
At the end of my rainbow (end of my rainbow)
Where you can be what you wanna be, yes you can be free

We can live in love, my brothers and my sisters
Learn to live as one, yeah
Praising Jah Jah

Spreading His love to all of His people (all of His people)
All of the universe together, forever (together forever)
You'll find your pot of gold
At the end of your rainbow (end of your rainbow)
Where you can be what you wanna be, yes you can be free

Love Joys lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
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