Lee 'Scratch' Perry - Soul Fire

Have a moment to get me the strength right now,
I'm not jokin', seen?

Soul fire!
Soul fire!
Soul fire!
And we ain't got no water!

Soul a burnin'!
Soul a burnin'!
Soul a burnin'!

Water comin'!
Water comin'!
Water comin', yeah!

Soul fire!
La la la lee-ah le-ahhh
Burnin' in my soul.
Burnin' burnin' burnin' in my soul.
La la..

Soul fire!
Soul fire!
Soul fire!
And we ain't got no water!
We don't have no water!

Soul a burnin'!
Soul a burnin'!
And we ain't got no water, we ain't got no water.
La la..

Eh! Woy! Woy! Eh!


Fire! Soul fire!
Soul fire!
Soul fire!
Soul fire!
Soul fire!

Soul a burn!
Soul hot! Fiya burn!
Burn hot!
Fiya burn!
Burn hot!
Soul fire!
Soul fire!

Lee 'Scratch' Perry lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
Jah Lyrics exists solely for the purpose of archiving all reggae lyrics and makes no profit from this website.