Lacksley Castell - Black Sheep
My momma and daddy weep because, can't find no food to eat
The children you know they just can't sleep
Because so many hungry mouths to feed
You get up every day and you hear the poor people cries
Some cries for hunger and, some cries for thirst
Some cries because, well, things are getting worse
Things are getting worse
It's really getting worse
Living in the ghetto, is really hard to do
But I'm trying my best, yes, to push on through
Push on through
I don't wanna be the black sheep, in my family
My momma and daddy weep because, can't find no food to eat
The children you know they just can't sleep
Because so many hungry mouths to feed
You get up every day and you hear the poor people cries
Some cries for hunger and, some cries for thirst
Some cries because, well, things are getting worse
It's really getting worse
I don't wanna be the black sheep, yes, in my family
No-no no-no
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