Junior Ross - So Jah Jah

Come on, listen to my song!

Give black man a helping hand
Help him just as much as you can
So one day, you will live to see
The Good Lord, He will bless your day
So Jah Jah say
So Jah Jah say

Each black man, right from wrong
Show that he can understand
Help the weak, if you are strong
So that you'll be an upful man
So Jah Jah say
So Jah Jah say

Do good - and good will follow you
Hurt no man - and no man will hurt you
So Jah Jah say
So Jah Jah say


Do good - and good will follow you
Hurt no man - and no man will hurt you
So Jah Jah say
So Jah Jah say

Each black man, right from wrong
Show that he can understand
Help the weak, if you are strong
So that you'll be an upful man
So Jah Jah say
So Jah Jah say

Give black man a helping hand
Help him just as much as you can
So one day, you will live to see
The Good Lord He will bless your day
So Jah Jah say (so Him say)
So Jah Jah say (so Him say)

So Jah Jah say (another time)
So Jah Jah say (blackie-blackie)
So Jah Jah say..

Junior Ross lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
Jah Lyrics exists solely for the purpose of archiving all reggae lyrics and makes no profit from this website.