Junior Ross - Send Me Over There
We want to be free
We want, we want, we want
We want to be free
Send me over there - way over there
Send me over there - way over there
Over rivers and mountain, so far away
Over rivers an mountain, many miles away
Mommy says Africa's where we're from (where we're from)
And I know she can't be wrong (can't be wrong)
Yes, it's the land we all come from (come from)
Too long now, been beyond in a lonely land
Send me over there - way over there
Send me over there - way over there
We want, we want, we want to be free
Come on, come on, come on
Mommy says Africa's where we're from (where we're from)
And I know she can't be wrong (can't be wrong)
Yes, it's the land we all come from (come from)
Too long now, been beyond in a lonely land
Send me over there - way over there
Send me over there - way over there
Send me over there - way over there
Send me over there - way over there
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