Junior Ross - Jah Love
Jah love, it is just my love
And my love, it is just Jah love
Jah love is like a blazing fire
Keeps on blazing in my heart
Anything Jah say, I will do, ooh-ooh
Anything Jah do, I will follow too
What Jah say to be, I won't disagree
Oh no, no-no, no-no, no-no-no!
Jah love is like a blazing fire
Keeps on blazing in my heart
Dread Him, dread Him
Love Him, Love Him, Love Him
Anything Jah say, I will do
Anything Jah do, I will follow too
What Jah say to be, I won't disagree
No-no, no-no, no-no, no,no,no!
Jah love is like a blazing fire
Keeps on blazing in my heart
Jah love, it is just my love
And my love, it is just Jah love
Jah love, it is a righteous love
And a righteous love, it is just Jah Jah love
Love Him, Love Him, Love Him
Dread Him, dread Him, dread Him
Love Him, Love Him, Love Him
Dread Him, dread Him, dread Him
Jah love, Jah love, is like a blazing fire
Love, blazing..
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