Johnny Clarke - Fire And Brimstone A Go Burn The Wicked

Blessed is the man that walketh not
In the counsel of the ungodly
Fire and brimstone fi wicked Babylon

Fire and brimstone, fire it a go burn them
Fire and brimstone, fire it a go burn them
Pope Peter, fire a go burn you
Troublemaker, fire a go burn you
Wrong-doer, fire a go burn you
Backslider, fire a go burn you

Fire and brimstone, fire it a go burn them
Fire and brimstone, fire it a go burn you
So is the man that sitteth every day
Saying that God is not real
Also the man that knoweth the truth
And he don't reveal it

Fire and brimstone, fire it a go burn them
Fire and brimstone, fire it a go burn them

Kings of Kings and Lords of Lords
Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah can never die
He liveth and he reigneth in the hearts of men
I and I, dreada

Pope Peter, fire a go burn you
Wrong-doer, fire a go burn you
Backbiter, fire a go burn you
Wrong-doer, fire a go burn you
Fire-fire, fire, fire, fire

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