John Holt - Stay At Home (aka Ghetto Girl)
She knows every trick in the book, she certainly gets around
She's been with many men, since she was only ten
She never stay at home, she's always on the town
Your mother is wondering where you are
What do you see at nights, when you're under the stars?
Baby keep on running but you won't get far
Stay at home, sister stay at home
Don't let your mother down
Don't be a run around, no
Stay at home, sister stay at home
Don't let your mother down
Don't be a run around
Your mother is wondering where you are
What do you see at nights, when you're under the stars?
Baby keep on running but you won't get far
Driving around in all those movie star
Baby keep on running but you won't get far
Baby keep on running but you won't get far
Baby keep on running but you won't get far
Baby keep on running but you won't get far
This song is the original version first released in 1974.It was later covered by Dennis Brown in 1976.
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