Jacob Miller - Sinners
This lyric contains biblical references. Click here to show the references.
They can't hide for sure
Sinners, you gonna weep some more
Sinners, you can't hide for sure
Sinners, you gonna weep some more
For the wages of sin is death
For the wages of sin is death
Romans 6:23
You're going around and killing with your ism and schism
You're going around and killing with a bag-a-ful shitstem
You try to fool the people sometime
But you can't fool the Almighty Jah no time at all
Job 4:8;
Galatians 6:7
He's seated up in His heaven and He know the truth
A ruler for one and a ruler for all
Psalm 2:4
Sinners, you gonna weep some more
Sinners, you can't hide for sure
Sinners, you gonna weep some more
For the wages of sin is death
For the wages of sin is death
You're going around and killing with your ism and schism
You're going around and killing with a bag-a-ful shitstem
You try to fool the people sometime
But you can't fool the Almighty Jah no time at all
He's seated up in His heaven and He know the truth
A ruler for one and a ruler for all
Sinners, you gonna weep some more
Sinners, you can't hide for sure
Sinners, you gonna weep some more
For the wages of sin is death
For the wages of sin is death
For the wages of sin is death
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