Heptones - Deceivers

Ooh Lord, yeah, oh Lord, ah ha

Believers are believin'
While deceivers are deceivin'
The prayers keeps on prayin'
While the killer, Lord
Are just killin', ooh yeah

And it was written in the Book of the books
And even today
Man should know that the Lord He is God
And walk in an upful way, I say

Believers are believin'
While deceivers are deceivin'
Wrong doers are wrong doin'
And the sinner man, Lord
Keeps on sinning, oh yeah, well

And it was written in the Book of the books
And even today
Man should know that the Lord He is God
And you fear Him, I say
I say, Lord


And it was written in the Book of the books
And even today - man should that the God He is God
Walk in an upful way, and I say

Believers keeps on believin', Lord
While deceivers are deceivin'
The prayers, Lord, keeps on prayin', prayin'
And the killer man, killer man
Is killin', oh Lord
He's killing, Lord, he's sinning, yeah
Believer, believin', Lord, believin'
Deceivers, deceivin'

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