Grace Jones - I've Done It Again
Charted all the courses like all sailors do
First to cross the Mason-Dixon line
Overseeing wetbacks for good Californian wine
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
I was there when Jenny Lind first sang
First to feel the cold Alaskan white man
First to take a trip on L.S.D.
First to vote for Roosevelt back in '33
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
Yes, I've seen it, yes, I've seen it
And if you're feeling great, you know I feel it
Yes, I feel it
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
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