Gladiators - We'll Find The Blessing

Say we're working hard (I and I)
To reach the top (oh, yes)
Over rocks and mountains (I and I)
We trodding until (ah ah)

We'll find the blessing
Jah had in store for us

So no backward thinking (no, sir)
Mek we step it forward (I and I)
Sing to Jah Jah (continually)
Sing praises (oh yeah)

We'll find the blessing
Jah had in store for us

Make our pathway bright (guide us, oh Jah)
Over hills and valleys (uh, uh)
Make our pathway bright (guide us, oh Jah)
Over hills and valleys (uh, uh)
In my rest at night I chant to Mount Zion high
I said, "Turn not your back, oh Mighty Redeemer" (mm mm)
In my rest at night I chant to Mount Zion high
I said, "Turn not your back, oh Mighty Redeemer"

Say we're working hard (I and I)
To reach the top (oh, yes)
Over rocks and mountains (I and I)
We trodding until (ah ah)


Make our pathway bright (guide us, oh Jah)
Over hills and valleys (uh, uh)
Make our pathway bright (guide us, oh Jah)
Over hills and valleys (uh, uh)
In my rest at night I chant to Mount Zion high
I said, "Turn not your back, oh Mighty Redeemer"
In my rest at night I chant to Mount Ziom high
I said, "Turn not your back, oh Mighty Redeemer" (mm mm)

Say we're working hard (I and I)
To reach the top (oh yes)
Over rocks and mountains (I and I)
We trodding until...

Gladiators lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
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