Garnett Silk - Zion In A Vision
Woah, woah, yeah, yeah
I saw Zion in a vision
Jah was there, amidst everyone
Stretching forth His right hand
Oh, it's like a family reunion
Zion in a vision
Jah was there, amidst everyone
Stretching forth His right hand
Oh, it's like a family reunion
Everything seemed so real
The warmness of Jah
I could feel His love filled me up
Oh Lord, I don't wanna wake up
I saw Zion in a vision
Jah was there, amidst everyone
Stretching forth His right hand
Oh, it's like a family reunion
We were all singing the same song
Giving praises to the Almighty One
All I could feel was happiness
Surrounded by righteousness
I saw Zion in a vision
Jah was there, amidst everyone
Stretching forth His right hand
Oh, it's like a family reunion
Zion in a vision
Jah was there, amidst everyone
Stretching forth His right hand
Oh, it's like a family reunion
There's no room for the ungodly
None for the workers of iniquity
Only pure in hearts and clean minds
So be good all ye little ones
I saw Zion in a vision
Jah was there, amidst everyone
Stretching forth His right hand
Oh, it's like a family reunion
Zion in a vision
Jah was there, amidst everyone
Stretching forth His right hand
Oh, it's like a family reunion
Everything seemed so real
The warmness of Jah
I could feel His love filled me up
Oh Lord, I don't wanna wake up
Zion in a vision
Jah was there, amidst everyone
Stretching forth His right hand
Oh, it's like a family reunion
I saw Zion in a vision
Yeah, yeah
We were all singing the same song
Giving praises to the Almighty One
All I could feel was happiness
Surrounded by righteousness
Zion in a vision, I mean it
Zion in a vision, yeah, yeah, yeah
I saw Zion in a vision
Jah was there, amidst everyone
Stretching forth His right hand
Oh, it's like a family reunion
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