Garnett Silk - Blessed Be The Almighty

Glory to the King
Giving glory 'pon your name
Glory to the Father
There ain't no other

Blessed be the Almighty God
(Blessed Jah) oh well
Ready to forgive all sins
(Blessed Jah)
So remember whenever you trod (ooh, ooh, ooh)
To keep the Almighty within, within

Blessed be the Almighty God
(Blessed Jah) oh well
Ready to forgive all sins
So remember wherever you go (ooh, ooh, ooh)
To keep the Almighty within, within

We see the lightning
And we hear the thunder, yeah, yeah
To some it's frightening, yeah
But that is just a plunder, a plunder

(Jah Rastafari) Who sends the lightning?
Tell me (Jah Rastafari) who sends the thunder?
The only true almighty King
Who can put all things asunder

Blessed be the Almighty God
(Blessed Jah) oh well
Ready to forgive all sins
(Blessed Jah)
So remember whenever you trod (ooh, ooh, ooh)
To keep the Almighty within

(Ooh.. blessed Jah)
Blessed be the Almighty God, oh well
Ready to forgive all sins
(Blessed Jah)
So remember wherever you go (ooh, ooh, ooh)
To keep the Almighty within (ooh.. blessed Jah)

He also sends the raindrops, yeah
And He makes the sun to shine
(Jah Rastafari) His tropical breeze never stops
(Jah Rastafari) And life is so divine

Go away, grieve and misery, yeah
Which only leads to pain
I've searched your human dignity, brother man
There is plenty more, plenty more to gain, yeah

Blessed be the Almighty God
(Blessed Jah) oh well
Ready to forgive all sins
(Blessed Jah)

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