Freddie McGregor - I Am A Revolutionist

I'm a revolutionist, away from deh
I man no deal with capitalism, I'm a Rastaman
I'm a revolutionist, away from deh
I man no deal with capitalism, a go repatriate

These are the times when chains are pulled from Israel
I'm wondering why we nah go live in peace
You better open your eyes and fight for your rights or you will die

I am gonna leave my tribe of Israelites
And fight for their rights, that's why them say

I'm a revolutionist, I'm a Rastaman
I man no deal with capitalism, away from deh
I'm a revolutionist, a go repatriate
I man no deal with capitalism, Lord, Lord, Lord

Away from deh!

We a Jah Jah children, we are Israelites
We're passing through people of the far east sea
We can't stop them to preach the gospel of Jah Jah, for it's so right
We're gonna have to fight for many days and nights, but it's alright
I say we're going to the land, the promised land
Called Africa, that's where I'm bound

I'm a revolutionist, a so dem seh
But I man no deal with no capitalism, I'm a Rastaman
I'm a revolutionist, go repatriate
But I man no deal with no capitalism, I'm a righteous man

I'm a revolutionist, a revolutionist
I man no deal with no capitalism, Lord, Lord, Lord
I'm a revolutionist, I'm a Rastaman

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