Freddie McGregor - Bobby Bobylon
Say, I know your evil plan, Mister Babylon
Babi, Babi, Babylon - you wrong, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - you shouldn't trouble Jah Jah plan
Babi, Babi, Babylon - say you wrong, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon
You brought us down here in captivity
Feed us with your brutality
Turn your back on humanity
You got no love and no I-nity, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - say you wrong, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - say you shouldn't trouble Jah Jah plan
Babi, Babi, Babylon - you shouldn't touch the nyah-man
Babi, Babi, Babylon
You took away our fathers' gold
Robbed them of their sevenfold
Now you're locked behind the door
Not knowing one day we would know the score, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - me say you wrong, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - I know your evil plan!
You brought us down here in captivity
Feed us with your brutality
Turn your back on humanity
You got no love, no I-nity, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - say you wrong, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - you shouldn't trouble Jah Jah plan
Babi, Babi, Babylon - shouldn't touch the collie-man
Babi, Babi, Babylon
You took away our fathers' gold
Robbed them of their sevenfold
Now you're locked behind the door
Not knowing one day we would know the score, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - me say you wrong, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - you shouldn't trouble Jah Jah plan
Babi, Babi, Babylon - shouldn't touch the nyah-man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - don't touch the collie-man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - me say you wrong, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - you shouldn't trouble Jah Jah plan
Babi, Babi, Babylon - go away with your evil!
Babi, Babi, Babylon
Babi, Babi, Babylon - me say you wrong, man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - you shouldn't touch the nyah-man
Babi, Babi, Babylon - you shouldn't touch the collie-man
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