Eddy Grant - Boys In The Street

You don't know till you been in my corner

Know till you been in my shoes
Know if your love is for true

Only them who feel it knows
Only them who feel it knows.
Boys in the street
Giving it to me.
Boys in the street
Giving it to me.

And if you were a fly in excreta
Looking at the world from above

You would know I was taking a beating
Only for the girl I love
Only for the girl I love.
Boys in the street - alright - giving it to me.
Boys in the street
Giving it to me.
Boys in the street
Giving it to me...
Coulda wished I was back in West India

Living only for rub-a-dub

But you said you're in love with the cold

You love it 'cause you just come

You love it 'cause you just come.
Boys in the street
Oh yeah
Giving it to me
Boys in the street
Giving it to me
Oh yeah
Boys in the street
Giving it to me
Boys in the street
Oh yeah
Giving it to me..

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