Desi Roots - Weed Fields
Blessed by the sun
Once there were airstrips
Where airplanes used to land
Come fi buy collie, collie, collie, collie
Come fi buy collie, collie, collie, collie
Come fi buy collie, collie, collie, collie
Weed fields are gone now
Can't blame the sun
Raided by soldiers, caught up in Babylon
Burn, burn, burn, burn, collie
Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn collie
Burn, collie, collie, collie, collie, collie
Once there were weed fields
Blessed by the sun
Once there were airstrips
Where airplanes used to land
Come fi transport collie, collie, collie
Come fi transport collie, collie, collie
Come fi transport collie, collie, collie
Talking 'bout danger
Coke addiction
I have been smoking iley
Since time begun
Medi, medi, medi, medi, medi collie
Collie, collie, collie, collie, collie..
True, medi, collie, collie, collie, collie
Tourist and native
Almost everyone
Ask your old grandma
Or even doctor-man
Medi, collie, collie, collie, collie
Medi, medi, medi, collie, collie, collie
Medi, medi, medi, medi, medi, collie
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