Derrick Morgan - Woman A Grumble
She! Why woman a fi grumble so
The more food she eat (the woman a grumble)
The more clothes she wear (the woman a grumble)
So she walk, so she talk, so she mumble (the woman a grumble)
She! Why woman a fi grumble so
She! Why woman a fi grumble so
The more money she get (the woman a grumble)
The more food she eat (the woman a grumble)
If you put her in a furnished room (the woman a grumble)
If you steal and you end up in jail (the woman a grumble)
She! Why woman a fi grumble so
She! Why woman a fi grumble so
She! Why woman a fi grumble so
She! Why woman a fi grumble so
The more money she get (the woman a grumble)
The more food she eat (the woman a grumble)
So she walk, so she talk, so she stumble (the woman a grumble)
So she walk, so she talk, so she mourn (the woman a grumble)
Why woman a fi grumble so
Why woman a fi grumble so
Why woman a fi grumble so..
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