Dennis Brown - Tribulation
Rough as the road might seem to be
I'll be toiling home
I'll be myself and no one else
I'll keep trodding on
A man must go through tribulation
No matter who or where he's from
If he's a man of understanding
He'll then know, that time alone will tell
But fools knoweth not understanding
That's why they stumble
Never going to their way, oh yeah
'Cause wisdom is too hard for them
I'm only passing trough, yeah
A man must go through tribulation
No matter who or where he's from
If he's a man of understanding
He'll then know, that time alone will tell
But fools knoweth not understanding
That's why they stumble
Never going to their way, oh yeah
'Cause wisdom is too hard for them
Well, yeah, yeah
I'm only passing through, well yeah
Oh, a man must go through tribulation, yeah
Tribulation, yeah!
Rough as the road might seem to be, yeah
I'll be toiling home, yeah
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