Culture - Wings Of A Dove
And I've got to protest and speak out..
Oh, when I turn my eyes and see
The wickedness that Babylon been carrying on
Oh, when I turn my eyes and see
The way they handle the people on the streets
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly.. take it from me
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly
Oh when I turn and look around and see
People drinking dirty water like dogs
Oh when I turn around and see
How much food waste a government house
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly.. take this serious
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly.. can you feel the spirit rise?
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly
Oh when I turn around and see
Poor people are not being respected
Oh when I turn around and see
Education is deteriorated
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly.. I want you rock an' come in ya
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly
Oh when I turn my eyes and look and see
How much starvation stand up
Hungry stand up like man
While white squall man fi cut them throat
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly.. come mek we sing it together
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills and be at rest
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly to the hills
Oh that I have wings like a dove
I would fly
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