Culture - Money Girl
Everything gone up, food gone up
Clothes gone up, gas gone up
Car rental gone up and everything gone up
For everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
She wants Ferlucci pants and buckets cap
Halter top and Clarks booty
She wants Ferlucci, she wants Clarks booty
Halter top and buckets cap
For everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Monday morning comes, she absent
Tuesday morning comes, she don't turn up at all
Wednesday evening come out, I eat a little fresh rice
'Cause I'm an italist
Thursday evening come, she don't turn up at all
Friday morning come when I'm about to get mi pay
And when I look, her foot stretch out inna the way
For everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Monday morning comes, she absent
Tuesday morning comes, she don't turn up at all
Wednesday evening come out, I eat a little fresh rice
Because I'm an italist
Thursday evening come, she don't turn up at all
Friday morning when I'm about to get mi pay, yeah
And when I look, her foot stretch out inna the way
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
She have gold 'round her ankle, gold 'round her waist
Gold around her little neck and chest
Gold in her ears and gold in her nose
Gold 'round her headside and gold 'round her eye
For everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money
Everywhere she see Iyah, she want money..
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