Culture - Jah Rastafari
Wrong's been going on, let's protest
Children of Israel who really, love rights
For Jah set I and I as a watchman
Around Babylonian walls
Oh, oh, children of Israel
I and I and I should never hold I peace
While wrong is going on, day or night
Man, bust down Babylon gates
I said prepare ye the way
Prepare ye the way for Jah people
Fight down war and crime
Fight down war and crime
Fight down war and crime
And build up righteousness
Hear me now, Jah Rastafari
Jah Rastafari, Jah Rastafari
Preserve I people, come on
Jah Rastafari, Jah Rastafari
Jah, Jah Rastafari, preserve I people, eh
Put crime away, put crime away, away
Jah set I and I still as a watchman
Around Babylonian walls
Yes, children of Israel
I and I and I should never, never hold I peace
While we are penalized, day and night
We should chant down Babylon's door
I said prepare ye the way
Prepare ye the way for Jah people
Fight down war and crime
Fight down war and crime
Fight down war and crime
And build up righteousness
Jah Rastafari, Jah Rastafari
Jah Rastafari, preserve I people, yes Jah
Jah Rastafari, Jah Rastafari
Jah Rastafari, preserve I people, righteous name
Jah Rastafari, Jah Rastafari
Jah Rastafari, preserve I people..
This song, released in 1979, was re-recorded in 1988.It is also called Jah Rastafari.
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and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
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