Culture - Behold
And suddenly I heard
A voice come to I and I say'ay
Behold I come come quickly
To pay every man
According the work that ye have done
And I know.. that it was the voice
The voice of the Most High
And I know.. yes I know
That it was the voice
The voice of the Most High
He said behold, behold, I come quickly
Hear what he say to one an'all!
Say behold, behold, I come quickly
This world is like a mirror
Reflecting what you do
And if you face it smiling
It will smile right back to you
So do unto others as you would have them do
So that your days
Will be many, many years much longer
And I know.. that it was the voice
It was the voice of the Most High
And I know.. yes I know
That it was the voice
It was the voice of the Most High
He said behold, behold, I come quickly
Hear what he say to one an'all!
Say behold, behold, I come quickly
There's no tongue, nor language
That shall not be heard!
He said behold, behold, I come quickly
He speaks to Jews and also Gentiles
He said behold, behold, I come quickly
Although the sea may rage and the time may tough
He said behold, behold, I come quickly
Please don't sell your soul for money
Behold, behold
Behold, behold, behold, I come quickly..
See also a slightly different version, by Culture.It's called Behold I Come and was released in 1980.
Culture lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s)
and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
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