Burning Spear - Great Men
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Recall them, recall them
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Recall Paul Bogel, recall Marcus Garvey, recall Nelson Mandela
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Recall them, recall them
Recall Malcolm X, recall Martin Luther King
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Recall them, recall them
These great men were fighting, they were fighting for our rights
These great men were fighting, they were fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, let's recall some great men
Let's recall some great men, let's recall some great men
Who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
Recall Paul Bogel, recall Marcus Garvey, recall Nelson Mandela
Let's recall some great men, who've been fighting for our rights
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