Burning Spear - Black Soul

It is not good to travel today
Neither to cross the ocean
Desert's so dry
Water-thirst kill you

Don't good to travel today
Neither to cross the ocean
Desert's so dry
Water-thirst kill you
Kill you, kill you, kill you
Kill you, kill you

When it wet, it slippery, yeah
When it damp, it cramp your belly
Don't want to see you underground
Don't want to see you underground
Underground, underground, underground

Caution, my brother, caution, take heed
Black soul, you're black as they
Soul black, soul black
Soul black, soul black, soul black

I'm proud I'm black
I'm proud I'm black
I'm rejoicing I'm black
Who know black a go black again
Who know black a go black again
Soul black
My skin is black
Soul black, oh, soul black

Two more things for I to tell you right now
Two more things for I to tell you right now
Two more

My old great grandmother-mother-mother
She is black, soul black, yeah, she is black

My old great grandfather
Grandfather-father-father-father-father-father-father, oh, oh
He is black, soul black, soul black

So, don't good to travel today
Neither to cross the ocean
Desert's so dry
Water-thirst kill you, oh
Kill you, oh, kill you

Mmm, don't good to travel today
Oh, neither to cross the ocean
Mmm, oh, mmm..

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