Vanessa Mardueño - Thank You Lord
Wakin' me up when I couldn't find the strength to keep on goin'
It was you who was there that evening
Liftin' me up when I was greavin'
there were no words to describe that feelin'
I wanna thank you Lord
I wanna praise Your name
Gonna lift my hands up to you
Oh it was you who opened the heavens
A storehouse full of blessings waiting
Waiting for me to believe
It was you who knew the answers
To every question I would ask ya
Your wisdom tor me to receive so now
I wanna thank you Lord
I wanna praise Your name
Gonna lift my hands up to you
Oh every time i think about your sweet love
And how you rained down blessings from above
I know that there ain't nothin' I can do without you
Without you
I wanna thank you Lord
I wanna praise Your name
Gonna lift my hands up to you
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