Vanessa Mardueño - Set Them Free!

You hide behind your pride
Feeding yourself some more of them lies
When will you find
The truth that's inside

Don't think I don't see
What's behind your ways
Them lies that deceit
It's the mark the mark of the beast

Oh my God
Won't You set them free
Set them free
Set them free
Oh my God
Won't You set them free

You laugh in my face
You say that I I'm such a disgrace
For interacting with His children
But I tell you that
It's His nature His mercy
His love and His grace
That I do this thing
To love hiss children
Oh He woos me

Oh my God
Won't You set them free
Set them free
Set them free
Oh my God
Won't You set them free

Oh I see no end
To your tired grievances
May the Lord open your eyes
Break down that pride
Let some love inside

'Cause all we are
And all we need to be
Is His children
Livin' in peace
May His kingdom come
His will be done on Earth
As it is in heaven.

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