Vanessa Mardueño - No One In This World
Everywhere I go I see your face
In naked trees birds that flee
Everywhere I see I see your grace
On mountain peaks and valley creeks
In hearts surrounded by your peace
In children's smiles and love gone wild
You love us all like a father would his child
There's no one in this world
No one in this world
Who loves me like you do
In the stars at night the eagle's cry
And in the fullness of the moonlight
The searing heat my hands and feet
The crashing waves in a sea so so deep
The intricate ways colours display
In flowers and rainbows the butterfly's array
In a sunset that bleeds purples and pinks
Illuminating a world in so deep
There's no one in this world
No one in this world
Who loves me like you do
You created me and everything I'll be
You snatched me from the hell
That had overtaken me
You gave me new life
A reason to be alive Lord I give you
All of me to do as you like
There's no one in this world
Who loves me like you do
Lord this day belongs belongs belongs belongs to you
You are the truth the way and the life
Lord I give my heart to you tonight
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