Toots & Maytals - I See You

These words I say to you, I hope,
Will touch the strings within your heart,
Wherever there's a song to play.

These words to bring you pleasant dreams,
Throughout the night of lonely sleep,
I'll keep you warm, while I'm away.

I see you every hour of the day.
I see you all through the night.
I see you in the dark.
I see you in the light.
Your love is really on my mind.

Words that remain while you awake.
A dawn to greet another day.
A day of love that we'll both share.

Our hearts to dance like swaying leaves,
Of roses in the gentle breeze.
These words and dance so pure and clear.

I see you every hour of the day.
I see you all through the night.
I see you in the dark.
I see you in the light.
Your love is really on my mind.

These words I say to you, I hope,
Will touch the strings within your heart,
Wherever there's a song to play.

These words to bring you pleasant dreams,
Throughout the night of lonely sleep,
I'll keep you warm, while I'm away.

I see you every hour of the day.
I see you all through the night.
I see you in the dark.
I see you in the light.
Your love is really on my mind.

Toots & Maytals lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
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