Stitchie - He Is

Jesus, Jesus (Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua..)

He is my rock, and my salvation
He is my rock Him only can I depend on
He is my rock, and my salvation
He is my rock Him only can I depend on

My soul waits in silence for my saviour only
From treachery and oppression He'll rescue me
They bless me with their mouths, but inwardly they curse me
Delight themselves in lies with intent to harm me
Oh men of low degree are only vanity
And men of high degree are a lie with certainty, oh, oh, oh

He is my rock, and my salvation
He is my rock Him only can I depend on
He is my rock, and my salvation
He is my rock Him only can I depend on

Deliver me not oh Lord, in the hands of those who hate me
Consume my adversaries with your wrath
Lord Jesus anoint me a fresh while I patiently await you
My hope and expectation s are from thee
All power belongs to God, mercy He will give
According to your work you'll get what you deserve, oh, oh, oh

He is my rock, and my salvation
He is my rock Him only can I depend on
He is my rock, and my salvation
He is my rock Him only can I depend on

I'll trust not in oppression and seek not earthly glories
The rock of my strength shall not be moved
Lord Jesus if riches increase my heart won't be upon them
My treasures I'll store in heaven where a crown awaits me
So I'll trust Him at all times, He knows my every need
I'll pour out my heart before Him when I kneel

He is my rock, and my salvation
He is my rock Him only can I depend on
He is my rock, and my salvation
He is my rock Him only can I depend on
He is my rock, and my salvation
He is my rock Him only can I depend on

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