Sara Lugo - Black & White

Some people try to put you in a box
But, the thing with that is,
You can't put anybody in a box
The world is a colourful place
And it needs to be colourful
So just be yourself, no matter what they say

'Cause I'm not black and I'm not white
Something in between and that's alright
Believe me, it's alright
'Cause I'm not black and I'm not white
Something in between and that's alright
Believe me, it's alright

I'm not too much of my mother
Not too much of my father
So if you wanna go one way
What if I told another
Does that make you right
And it makes me wrong
'Cause everything I got inside
That's what makes me strong

No matter what, I'mma be me
No matter what, I'mma be free
You don't have to accept it, but
I hope one day you'll see that

I'm not black and I'm not white
Something in between and that's alright
Believe me, it's alright
'Cause I'm not black and I'm not white
Something in between and that's alright
Believe me, it's alright

I'mma be me and I won't quit
What you see is what you get
I'mma live my life with no regrets
If you wanna stand out, why would you say

Little bit of this, I'mma little bit of that
Little bit of white, I'mma little bit of black
I guess that makes me great
I'mma love me always, always

No matter what, I'mma be me
No matter what, I'mma be free
You don't have to accept it, but
I hope one day you'll see that

I'm not black and I'm not white
Something in between and that's alright
Believe me, it's alright
'Cause I'm not black and I'm not white
Something in between and that's alright
Believe me, it's alright

I'm not too much of my mother
Not too much of my father
So if you wanna go one way
What if I told another
Does that make you right
And it makes me wrong
'Cause everything I got inside
That's what makes me strong

No matter what, I'mma be me
No matter what, I'mma be free
You don't have to accept it, but
I hope one day you'll see that

I'm not black and I'm not white
Something in between and that's alright
Believe me, it's alright
'Cause I'm not black and I'm not white
Something in between and that's alright
Believe me, it's alright

'Cause I'm not black and I'm not white
Something in between and that's alright
Believe me, it's alright

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