Prince Far I - Foggy Road
This lyric contains biblical references. Click here to show the references.
The road is so icy, icy
The road is so coldy, coldy
The road is so foggy, foggy
There, a ship appear on the beach
Bringing herbs and spice to the native of the shore
Hiding amongst the willow in darkness
The queen of Judgement is watching
Matthew 12:42; Luke 11:31
She heard the master's voice in the distance of the shore
Gave an echo to the captain of the crew
Message of what for a penny
They see the art, not the isle in vain
And let the poor man fill his bag
They call the master in the distance, announcing his arrival
The voice around the fire turn to worship them in silence
Melchezedek the high priest of Salem
Melchezedek the high priest
Genesis 14:18; Psalm 110:4
There the ship appear on the beach
Bringing herbs and spice to the native of the shore
Hiding amongst the willow in darkness
The queen of Judgement is watching
She heard the master's voice in the distance
Giving echo-
Me say the road is so foggy, foggy
The road is so icy, icy
The road is so foggy, foggy
The road is so icy, icy
So wetty, wetty
The road is so icy, icy
The doctor present herb in a gold chalice
And brought forward
Melchezedek the high priest
And the king of thief honors the priest of the most high God
Genesis 14:18; Hebrews 7:1
There the ship appear on the beach, with black
Bringing herbs and spice to the native of the shore
Hiding amongst the willow in darkness
The queen of Judgement is watching
She heard the master's voice in the distance of the shore
She gave an echo to the captain of the crew
The road is so foggy, foggy
Man the road is so icy, icy
The road is so foggy, foggy
Say me walk with me Dreadlocks bredren
The road is so foggy
Tell you say the road is so icy, icy
The foggy, foggy, foggy, foggy, foggy, foggy road
A what a icy, icy, icy road
Right there
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