Peter Tosh - Fight On

Africa has got to be free!

Fight on brothers, fight on,
Fight on and free your land.
Fight on sisters fight on,
Fight on and free your fellow man.

Africa has to be free by 1983,
Come on make us see, brothers fight on.

Fight on brothers, fight on
Fight on and free the land.
Fight on sisters, fight on,
Fight on and free your fellow man.

You have paid your dues,
And you've got nothing to lose.
And that is always my views,
You got to fight on.

I say fight on brothers, fight on,
Fight on and free this land.
I say fight on sisters,
Fight on free your fellow man.

'Cause if Africa is not free,
Then we all will be,
Back in shackles, you see,
My brothers fight on.


Fight on brothers, fight on,
Fight on and free this land.
Fight on sisters, fight on,
Fight on fight on and free your fellow man.

Brothers has gone in exile,
For such, such a long while.
Fascism too vile, brothers fight on.

I say fight on brothers fight on,
Fight on and free your land.
I say fight on sisters fight on,
Fight on and free your fellow man.

We need majority rule,
Scimit and vasta is too cruel.
Early morning dew, fight on.

Come on fight on brothers, fight on,
Fight on and free your land.
Fight on my sisters, fight on,
Fight on and free your fellow man.

Fight on, fight on, fight on and free yourself.
Fight on, fight on, fight on and free the land!
Fight on, fight on, fight on and free your fellow man!

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